Monday, December 28, 2009
Update for the last week of 2009!
What a year it has been for my little family. At this time last year, I had one walking and a 4 month old little girl and now I have two little adults in my house. We went to the doctor last Tuesday, and they had their flu shot. What a great Christmas gift from me right? But with us not having a car at the moment...I had to take advantage of Mom having the day off. And having an extra set of hands to comfort babies(after holding them down for the shot!)
Getting ready for Christmas was crazy for me making homemade gifts. I was either knitting or crocheting like a mad person. I started a blanket for my cousin who is due with her second son early January, but I wasn't able to finish it for Christmas. But just working on the blanket and finishing the project is a great feeling for me. I promise she'll have the blanket before the hospital. She(my cousin) did recieve the hat and matching scarf I made for her. It was really cute and I completely forgot to take a picture of it after it was done. But I got one of her after she opened the gift on Thursday night.
Christmas was a blast at our house. I got the kids up earlier than usual. WE had a late night, traveling home from Renton where my aunt lives and with Grandma spending the night the kids just didn't want to go to sleep. But I got them to sleep. And I'm glad that they racked in everything in the world it seems like. Somehow, someone was good at the last mintue I'm sure. No, I have two wonderful children who are healthy, active and learing to explore the world. I started off the month of December reading the book of Luke, and we got pretty far actually. But I started staying up late and waking up early to do my crafts and got behind. Since my husband and I are still newlyweds(which seems funny to say after having two children in three years) we're still trying new things to make our family tradtions for the holidays. I'm excited for the years to come and for the great opportunity to create new memories and tradtions for our family.
The Elders in our ward came over to use our phones and call their families. After two hours of catching up with everyone. They had to leave(or so they said!) to have some district time with the rest of the Elders. I was glad our house could be AT&T for the evening and that they could call home for the precious time to them. After they left we had a great dinner, with a nummy Cheesecake I made for dessert. I am so happy to acknowledge my husband has a wonderful job and is able to provide for us, so we had a very blessed holiday indoors with warmth, food and plenty of love. Did I mention food? We had snacks on hand for the missionaries and of course Christmas candy was still in our house.
I can't believe it's time to start making those goals for the upcoming year. I hadn't even thought about it until a friend as what we're doing for next year. I'd love to be able to get some sleep at night, and not worry about the dishes downstairs. Ohh I should mention this just to be fair to my husband, he wants to move into a bigger place. I'd love to stay in Tacoma, close to mom, and he wants to be closer to work. WE will see what happens with that, I will keep you posted. I'm exicted to see the growth of my children, the happiness of my family and just the change in the seasons for next year. We wish everyone a Merry Christmas, a Happy New Year and we can't wait to see you if we haven't come to visit yet! Untill next year(or I get time to write again....)
Monday, November 30, 2009
Countdown to Christmas
I am so excited for Christmas. But I need a great idea for our Christmas tree. I've got a few bouncing around in my head so I will keep everyone posted on what we will finally present in our little home. Since this is my weekly update what else can I say. Ohh, please keep my dear husband in mind. He was in a minor car accident yesterday, which really sent my blood pressure all over the place. I was so worried but thank goodness he's fine. Sore stiff neck, back a little sore too, the normal which is good. And he's still clean shaven at the moment which is terribly handsome in my book. For a while he had a goatee, which looked really nice and I kept it up for him about 6 weeks. Then when I was about to shave him, he trimmed everything down....the goatee was gone! I enjoy giving my husband a shave. He doesn't really enjoy shaving, and I like making him feel good so shaving is a nice bonding moment for us. He's so blonde it takes a while for a mustache to show up, but once it does it's nice untill hairs start to hurt my face. Like you watned to know that. I guess I'm just more mindful of my hubby today cause of what happened last night. I will keep everyone posted about our little Christmas tree.
Wednesday, November 25, 2009
Season 9 Winner Donny Osmond!
I am a huge fan of Dancing with the Stars. It's one of my favorite shows. I started watching when I moved in with my auntie back in 2005. I can't believe the show has been on that long, but it's charming and I usually know the stars who are in the cast each season.
I was very excited when I learned about that cast of this season. I will admit I made fun of Donny Osmond, but I can do that. My mom and I are part of the Osmond family, you didn't know that huh? A few years ago(my mom is only 28)she was really touched by these boys from Utah and started reading their interviews in the different teen magazines. She was very impressed they said 'Heavenly Father' not 'God' and really enjoyed talking about their family so much. Long story short it's how my mom found the church, so we are Osmonds. I knew Donny had the charm, knowledge about dancing and fan base to stay on the show for a while, but I was very surprised he made it to last night.
I was a bad girl. I cheated and looked online about 9, trying to find the results of the show. I couldn't wait for the west coast showing of the Season 9 Finale. I just had to know who was going to be the new champ. All day I thought it was going to be Mya, who's a knockout if I say my self, somehow those Osmond fans pulled through. And now Mr. Osmond has that huge silver shinny trophy. When will I get my call for being on the show? I'll just email my number to ABC after they are done cleaning up after Adam Lambert.
I was very excited when I learned about that cast of this season. I will admit I made fun of Donny Osmond, but I can do that. My mom and I are part of the Osmond family, you didn't know that huh? A few years ago(my mom is only 28)she was really touched by these boys from Utah and started reading their interviews in the different teen magazines. She was very impressed they said 'Heavenly Father' not 'God' and really enjoyed talking about their family so much. Long story short it's how my mom found the church, so we are Osmonds. I knew Donny had the charm, knowledge about dancing and fan base to stay on the show for a while, but I was very surprised he made it to last night.
I was a bad girl. I cheated and looked online about 9, trying to find the results of the show. I couldn't wait for the west coast showing of the Season 9 Finale. I just had to know who was going to be the new champ. All day I thought it was going to be Mya, who's a knockout if I say my self, somehow those Osmond fans pulled through. And now Mr. Osmond has that huge silver shinny trophy. When will I get my call for being on the show? I'll just email my number to ABC after they are done cleaning up after Adam Lambert.
Tuesday, November 17, 2009
Who will talk first?
It's the battle of the wills in my house. I have two kids who babble and slip in English, Spanish, and other languages I've ever heard. Last night Grandma was over and she thinks that Nichelle will beat out Nathan in speaking so we can understand stand him. Nathan is doing really well with sign language and he's really big into phrases(What's that? Who's that? Oh no...uh oh...ect)so I thought he's be more into understandable conversation by now. The sign language has really been a blessing for both he and I. I'm learning a new language and he's able to tell me basic things that he needs/wants. Nichelle has started to pick up a few of the signs and so that makes things a little more calm at times. Nichelle does talk in paragraphs in her own language and I'm just waiting for the day when it's something I recognize.
It seems everyone in the house has a love affair with the mouse. My husband loves video games and the kids get free long distance talking to someone, who knows who. I've enjoyed listening to them talk to one another, and I'm sure they plan some kind of a take over that will happen any day now. Nichelle seems to talk the most between the two of them and Nathan seems to take action from the plan. I'll keep you posted.
Tuesday, November 10, 2009
I'm Applying for the Generations Project
I was watching General Conference Saturday morning(October 3,2009)and there was a program that came on as a sneak peek. It was called the Generations Project. It was a compelling story of a girl who is of Jewish Descent trying to find more information about her family and where they came from. It followed her journey going to Elis Island and meeting people who worked with her Grandmother. I was really impressed with the production of the show. They interviewed this young lady and really caputured her strong desire to know her roots. I didn't really think much about the show until Sunday when I was praying and getting ready to go to the Lakewood Stake Conference. By the way I met L. Tom Perry(yeah!). And I saw a commerical about the BYU channel taking new applications for this show. I was already so pumped to be about to go to conference but I said to my self...if I don't write these people an email. I just finished about an hour ago. I have done nothing but pray that someone will understand my growning strong desire to find out who I am(at least on my dad's side!) Everyone cross your fingers for me!
Tuesday, November 3, 2009
The music of my life
First, I must say a heartfelt apology to all of your who read this and find me talking about music all the time. My poor children somehow put up with it and so I think everyone else can too...
My whole entire life has been surrounded with music. That part in Mr. Holland's Opus when he and his wife are sitting on the ground, headphones in hand placing it in range of the baby's ears is how I picture my mom before I was born. My early years of my musical life were filled with that great genre of soft rock songs of the 80's, Michael Jackson of course and a great foundation in LDS Hymns. When I was old enough to decide what instrument to try and learn in the 4th grade I choose the clarinet. Not a good choice, but I can still play Hot Cross Buns. 5th grade rolled around and somehow I convinced my mom violin was for me! All 25 girls in the class but it was for me! During those early orchestra days, my teacher asked for volunteers about the cello. This thing was huge had low notes....nah not for me. But like I said 25 kids...everyone wanting the violin. I said hey why not. And thus began my love affair with the cello and everything that goes with it.
I played cello all the way through high school. My teacher Mrs. Nancy Dosch, I think is an angel. I have been in love with her and that short hair cut of hers for as long as I can remember. She always thought I had great musical talent, and should have private lessons. Although being an only child people believe you get EVERYTHING you want....private lessons wasn't going to happen. I'm sure we could have found a way(Mrs. Dosch told me of a scholarship program) but I didn't think I was talented enough to take that journey. I was lucky to be able to rent a cello all those years and I can fondly remember playing cello in the summers awaiting the school year so I could start playing again. When my mom was married to her last husband I got some fantastic instruments as Christmas gifts. Including a cello. When we move from this nice little townhouse we have....I've made a resolve to start playing again. I know I'll be horrible but hey at least I can try.
I was thinking to my self about the struggle I had learning that this way going to be my talent through the LDS church and the rest of my life. My mother has shared with me a few times that my father has a wonderful natural talent for music. He took piano for a few years and played organ in church until he left. Learning this, and having my tender hurt feelings about his absence only fueled my distaste for knowing some day I might play piano like him. I know those of you who know I can play are like"April you have talent, stop complaining..." but for how sad I was about his not being there...blah blah it was hard realizing that I might one day play in church.
I claim no talent what so ever on piano or organ. I've struggled, prayed and cried in public at those two powerful instruments. If anything I play is able to be sang too, I give all credit to Heavenly Father. I had to try really hard to ask for forgiveness in being so selfish as not wanting to explore the natural talent my mom was able to see in me. I think Heavenly Father has been gracious enough to acknowledge my journey numerous times in my life, but I think my most favorite example happened on Sunday. I think I am a super UBER FAN of Music and the Spoken Word. If I don't see it, I go crazy. Of course I want to play that beautiful grand Tabernacle Organ one day...but that's a different story. I was getting everyone ready for church when I noticed something. Nathan was listening to the song, he was swaying to the music...always on beat of course. He was just looking at the tv, there was a point in the song were is was getting quiet to add drama to the end of some phrase. Somehow Nathan could sense that and started to conduct it. He turned his hands over and lowered them as if he was conducting the choir. I am still in shock. And as the music start to get louder again, he turned he hands palm side up and started "conducting" the music again to make a grand crescendo. I tear up thinking that he can sense music like that.
I am so glad I can praise Heavenly Father through music and be able to find reverent Hymns to express those sacred feelings I feel for him and His beautiful son. I'm so selfish and say that if someone wrote a song about me, like they do for Jesus...I wouldn't let anyone touch me cause I would be FANTASTIC! And then Sunday happened and I was speechless. Just able to praise the creator of our bodies, the ears we hear with and our eyes to see with my little mini me; it is and was and always will be AWESOME! I can't wait to encourage my kids to sing and to play instruments and dance for our Father who is in Heaven.
My whole entire life has been surrounded with music. That part in Mr. Holland's Opus when he and his wife are sitting on the ground, headphones in hand placing it in range of the baby's ears is how I picture my mom before I was born. My early years of my musical life were filled with that great genre of soft rock songs of the 80's, Michael Jackson of course and a great foundation in LDS Hymns. When I was old enough to decide what instrument to try and learn in the 4th grade I choose the clarinet. Not a good choice, but I can still play Hot Cross Buns. 5th grade rolled around and somehow I convinced my mom violin was for me! All 25 girls in the class but it was for me! During those early orchestra days, my teacher asked for volunteers about the cello. This thing was huge had low notes....nah not for me. But like I said 25 kids...everyone wanting the violin. I said hey why not. And thus began my love affair with the cello and everything that goes with it.
I played cello all the way through high school. My teacher Mrs. Nancy Dosch, I think is an angel. I have been in love with her and that short hair cut of hers for as long as I can remember. She always thought I had great musical talent, and should have private lessons. Although being an only child people believe you get EVERYTHING you want....private lessons wasn't going to happen. I'm sure we could have found a way(Mrs. Dosch told me of a scholarship program) but I didn't think I was talented enough to take that journey. I was lucky to be able to rent a cello all those years and I can fondly remember playing cello in the summers awaiting the school year so I could start playing again. When my mom was married to her last husband I got some fantastic instruments as Christmas gifts. Including a cello. When we move from this nice little townhouse we have....I've made a resolve to start playing again. I know I'll be horrible but hey at least I can try.
I was thinking to my self about the struggle I had learning that this way going to be my talent through the LDS church and the rest of my life. My mother has shared with me a few times that my father has a wonderful natural talent for music. He took piano for a few years and played organ in church until he left. Learning this, and having my tender hurt feelings about his absence only fueled my distaste for knowing some day I might play piano like him. I know those of you who know I can play are like"April you have talent, stop complaining..." but for how sad I was about his not being there...blah blah it was hard realizing that I might one day play in church.
I claim no talent what so ever on piano or organ. I've struggled, prayed and cried in public at those two powerful instruments. If anything I play is able to be sang too, I give all credit to Heavenly Father. I had to try really hard to ask for forgiveness in being so selfish as not wanting to explore the natural talent my mom was able to see in me. I think Heavenly Father has been gracious enough to acknowledge my journey numerous times in my life, but I think my most favorite example happened on Sunday. I think I am a super UBER FAN of Music and the Spoken Word. If I don't see it, I go crazy. Of course I want to play that beautiful grand Tabernacle Organ one day...but that's a different story. I was getting everyone ready for church when I noticed something. Nathan was listening to the song, he was swaying to the music...always on beat of course. He was just looking at the tv, there was a point in the song were is was getting quiet to add drama to the end of some phrase. Somehow Nathan could sense that and started to conduct it. He turned his hands over and lowered them as if he was conducting the choir. I am still in shock. And as the music start to get louder again, he turned he hands palm side up and started "conducting" the music again to make a grand crescendo. I tear up thinking that he can sense music like that.
I am so glad I can praise Heavenly Father through music and be able to find reverent Hymns to express those sacred feelings I feel for him and His beautiful son. I'm so selfish and say that if someone wrote a song about me, like they do for Jesus...I wouldn't let anyone touch me cause I would be FANTASTIC! And then Sunday happened and I was speechless. Just able to praise the creator of our bodies, the ears we hear with and our eyes to see with my little mini me; it is and was and always will be AWESOME! I can't wait to encourage my kids to sing and to play instruments and dance for our Father who is in Heaven.
Tuesday, October 27, 2009
The Real Housewives of Atlanta

I don't like admitting that I watch reality TV but I can't live without this show. I just sit there and watch, get mad like the rest of the normal wives and moms who watch. I sit there and actually say out loud "If I had that kind of money I certainly wouldn't act like that."
I wanted to write about a journey that one of the Housewives is taking. Her name is NeNe Leaks(she's standing in the back on the left). She's a tall, outspoken woman who doesn't take drama from anyone but is the first to start it. So funny to watch her at times. Last season during the taping of the show NeNe received a letter from a family member stating that her father wasn't her father at all. This of course was a huge surprise to NeNe. Her mother in no longer living so she couldn't ask for details. A paternity test later and it was in fact revealed that the man she knew as her father(a man named Curtis) is not her biological father. I know that had to be hard for her. At the end of Season 1(last year) she said that Curtis would always be her dad.
This season NeNe has been writing a book(it was just released)a memoir of her life so she has some opportunities to reflect on this missing part of her life. Her need to know who is her actually father. When she started searching for answers is when I started mine, so I really connected with the feelings she had. In the season finale she related to her husband how she, her uncle and the author of memoir had met at the home of her mother in Athens, Ga. This has was a vacation home for her Mother who only came to visit NeNe during the summer months. This reflective trip reminded NeNe of her mother's remarriage and how she was raised by an aunt. While traveling back home to Atlanta, this new man(Allen) called her uncle, claiming he was in fact the biological father of NeNe and wanted to met her. I was scared and surprised for her. She said an explosion of emotions hit her as they started towards the apartment of this mystery man. She in fact met him and he said she looked like her mother. In my opinion he was very cold, and bold with her saying he doesn't want to see that many people again(the author and the uncle) but didn't mind starting a relationship with NeNe.
After relating all this to her husband(Greg) he very strong opposed her trying to connect with this new man claiming to be her father. He said she is not emotionally strong enough to be taken on a wild goose chase. He said he wouldn't support her if she kept in contact with Allen. I felt ther pain of being told no support from the man who has supported her through everything. To date, or at least the end of the show, Nene didn't call Allen again and she was finishing her book. I couldn't believe the emotional pull I felt watching this but I'm on the same journey. To date, my dad hasn't called back after a month and I'm not sure he will. I got a great suggestion of writing him every month with questions about his family, his childhood and different details that will help in my start with family history. I had a dream a few weeks ago that I went to where he was born, Douglas, Ga; to look into this small town and see where he grew up. I don't know if I'd ever be able to do that just cause I have no idea where to begin or where I'd start. But Heavenly Father gave us minds and the technology to able to find those needed details so I will do what I can.
I wish NeNe luck in her search for her father and I wish me the patience and touch of reality I need to understand where my father is. Talk to everyone soon!
Wednesday, October 14, 2009
Saturday, October 10, 2009
I wanted to write some feelings
I've been thinking about how to write this post for a few days now. I think it's because I still don't know what's going on or how to feel about it exactly, so I will just start.
My dear Mother met my dad right before leaving for her mission to Switzerland. Long story short of course they got married and had me almost a year later. Sadly, they did not stay married for long. I grew up with love and support for my mom's side of the family. You know how people say "Once in a blue moon" when something rare happens. Seeing my dad for his weekend visit was much more rare than a blue moon. And then nothing from him again. For years...I was curious of how to find him. I am still am to tell you the truth. I look just like him, so I would be able to recognize him right away, but would I be able to keep my emotions in check?. I am proud to say in the last few years I have really tried my best to forgive him and to see the situation from his point of view. I have come to a point where I am able to say I do love my dad and I wish that he were a part of my life.
I think back to my growing up in the LDS church as very interesting since I didn't have a father who was around. The church has such a strong desire for everyone to have a family. A mom dad and children to call their own. I had a great mother, I have a great mother. I had wonderful fill in men(home do you home teaching young men!)who took me to daddy/daughter dances and activities but of course it's not the same. I've always wanted a dad to call my own. To know that sacred relationship. I'm so glad my children have a wonderful dad in their lives. It makes me very happy!
When I became a parent I had this idea, which became a knowing that ultimately became a passion to find my dad and to let him know that he in fact has grandchildren. I was unsure of how to find him. Call all the Danny Wilcox's in the phonebook? No. My mom didn't know where he was, so I was kind of out of luck. Around March of this year, I had this burning to start my genealogy. It was so strong I knew I had to start. I don't have much information from my father's side of the family so I was once again stuck. But I had prayed and knew that if I did all I could the Lord would do the rest. I am still trying to do my family history work like a good girl.
On vacation, we were sitting down to dinner at Mo's when I heard the phone ring. I didn't know who's number it was so I didn't answer the phone. Something told me to listen to the voice mail. It was my dad calling to say he had received the letter I wrote to him a week earlier. I found a few addresses for him and just decided to write the first one(and if that didn't work I was going to move on to the next address etc). I was so in shocked I almost cried right there. I was very nervous to call him back and when we got home a few days later I did. I followed up my original letter with another one. This had some pictures of my family and just explaining my sudden attempts at communication with him. I've been praying for him and me that we'll be able to have some kind of relationship.
To date it's been two weeks since he called and I haven't heard from him since. I have to admit I really thought he would be a little comfortable at the chance to talk to me since I made it clear I'm not after money. I do have his address so I can send him additional information about the family. And hopefully I can get the information I need to start doing my family history. I am thankful to all my friends via Facebook and Twitter(okay only one person on twitter) who have been really supportive as I start this journey. Last Sunday was hard for me since I still haven't received a phone call. But I know I did a good thing by letting him know about his grandchildren. I just hope I can get some information so I can get to the temple! :)
My dear Mother met my dad right before leaving for her mission to Switzerland. Long story short of course they got married and had me almost a year later. Sadly, they did not stay married for long. I grew up with love and support for my mom's side of the family. You know how people say "Once in a blue moon" when something rare happens. Seeing my dad for his weekend visit was much more rare than a blue moon. And then nothing from him again. For years...I was curious of how to find him. I am still am to tell you the truth. I look just like him, so I would be able to recognize him right away, but would I be able to keep my emotions in check?. I am proud to say in the last few years I have really tried my best to forgive him and to see the situation from his point of view. I have come to a point where I am able to say I do love my dad and I wish that he were a part of my life.
I think back to my growing up in the LDS church as very interesting since I didn't have a father who was around. The church has such a strong desire for everyone to have a family. A mom dad and children to call their own. I had a great mother, I have a great mother. I had wonderful fill in men(home do you home teaching young men!)who took me to daddy/daughter dances and activities but of course it's not the same. I've always wanted a dad to call my own. To know that sacred relationship. I'm so glad my children have a wonderful dad in their lives. It makes me very happy!
When I became a parent I had this idea, which became a knowing that ultimately became a passion to find my dad and to let him know that he in fact has grandchildren. I was unsure of how to find him. Call all the Danny Wilcox's in the phonebook? No. My mom didn't know where he was, so I was kind of out of luck. Around March of this year, I had this burning to start my genealogy. It was so strong I knew I had to start. I don't have much information from my father's side of the family so I was once again stuck. But I had prayed and knew that if I did all I could the Lord would do the rest. I am still trying to do my family history work like a good girl.
On vacation, we were sitting down to dinner at Mo's when I heard the phone ring. I didn't know who's number it was so I didn't answer the phone. Something told me to listen to the voice mail. It was my dad calling to say he had received the letter I wrote to him a week earlier. I found a few addresses for him and just decided to write the first one(and if that didn't work I was going to move on to the next address etc). I was so in shocked I almost cried right there. I was very nervous to call him back and when we got home a few days later I did. I followed up my original letter with another one. This had some pictures of my family and just explaining my sudden attempts at communication with him. I've been praying for him and me that we'll be able to have some kind of relationship.
To date it's been two weeks since he called and I haven't heard from him since. I have to admit I really thought he would be a little comfortable at the chance to talk to me since I made it clear I'm not after money. I do have his address so I can send him additional information about the family. And hopefully I can get the information I need to start doing my family history. I am thankful to all my friends via Facebook and Twitter(okay only one person on twitter) who have been really supportive as I start this journey. Last Sunday was hard for me since I still haven't received a phone call. But I know I did a good thing by letting him know about his grandchildren. I just hope I can get some information so I can get to the temple! :)
Friday, October 9, 2009
Got my camera back!
I just got my camera back after being gone from us for about two weeks. Right after we left the pizza place in Castle Rock, WA coming home from vacation. The camera was dropped. I was glad Jordan got insurance and that the memory card wasn't damaged. It was very apparent to me I take pictures every day or other day, but when you've got Grandparents that live in Alaska, you have to take pictures all the time. That, and I'm really wanting to get more into this hobby of digital photography it's fun. Anyways I took this picture on Wednesday night. Doesn't Nathan look like a missionary doing a service project minus the pacifier of course! Talk to everyone soon!
Wednesday, October 7, 2009
I'm posting this for Auntie Andrea
I was on the phone the other day with Auntie Andrea and she said everyone is always in the pictures but not me. So this is for her!
Saturday, October 3, 2009
Uh oh
I've been trying to write that we're back and things are back pretty much back to normal. Although now that I've been on a quick trip with my children I'm ready to go again. Look at where we stayed.


It was so cute, I loved being there. And we were a few blocks from the ocean. The kids really enjoyed running all over this cute house. We were the only ones there, so we had the whole place to ourselves. Which was really nice. My husband and I got to spend a few moments together at night, which is always a surprise since my kids sometimes like to play night owls. I was a little anxious before we left since we haven't traveled as a family before but the kids did great so I wasn't really worried. I'm already trying to think of somewhere fun we can go.

We found this great park on the way back in Longview, Wa. Thought it would be great to get out and let the kids play for while. Nathan got to have fun with Jordan going on his first major slide. I was glad Nichelle enjoyed the swings so much. My only gripe about the park, is it had bark where the toys were. Ouch if someone falls down huh? But Nichelle and Nathan did well and didn't fall down. We drove to Castle Rock and had pizza. It was fun. Nathan found a girlfriend of course. Her name is Angel. They had fun she was really cute. Our trip was a blast.
It was so cute, I loved being there. And we were a few blocks from the ocean. The kids really enjoyed running all over this cute house. We were the only ones there, so we had the whole place to ourselves. Which was really nice. My husband and I got to spend a few moments together at night, which is always a surprise since my kids sometimes like to play night owls. I was a little anxious before we left since we haven't traveled as a family before but the kids did great so I wasn't really worried. I'm already trying to think of somewhere fun we can go.
We found this great park on the way back in Longview, Wa. Thought it would be great to get out and let the kids play for while. Nathan got to have fun with Jordan going on his first major slide. I was glad Nichelle enjoyed the swings so much. My only gripe about the park, is it had bark where the toys were. Ouch if someone falls down huh? But Nichelle and Nathan did well and didn't fall down. We drove to Castle Rock and had pizza. It was fun. Nathan found a girlfriend of course. Her name is Angel. They had fun she was really cute. Our trip was a blast.
Monday, September 21, 2009
Hi everyone!
Jordan brought his lap top so I wanted to share this picture with you. Nathan was not a fan of the cold water. Nichelle liked it more but was still a little leary. I'm not a natural swimmer but I did enjoy being in the water for like....2 minutes. It was cold. Tomorrow we are going to Cannon Beach and having fun with all the sights. Can't wait to blog again!
Thursday, September 17, 2009
Just days to go
Hello everyone. I am very proud to announce that the Hunter family will be taking a vacation! The last vacation we took neither Nathan or Nichelle were able to join us. Well actually Nathan was almost here, it was July 2007, but it's way over due. For the summer, and last part of spring Jordan has been working so much at his spa job. He loves it, he's really big into being active(believe me he can't sit still!). And since I'm so busy at home I love to relax. For the past few weeks he's been coming home at such late hours the kids hardly get to see him. It's a great job for him since he's really great at encouraging customers to enjoy their hot tubs. Only problem he faces is alot of travel time alone. I am glad when he comes home every night, nice to have him home. Last week, he said he wanted to take the family on vacation. I wasn't to sure, to be perfectly honest. In the past, we've tried to spend some family time alone and there would be a work emergency and he'd be gone again. I am crossing my fingers that we're actually able to leave and spend some time together. Our plan is to spend a few days on the Oregon Coast enjoy the sites. I've never been to Seaside and I haven't seen Cannon Beach in ages. So, I am hoping that we'll all have a fun time and get some need time with husband and daddy. I've been having a small conversation with this lady about her used DSLR camera. It's a pretty afforable price, but I'm not sure if we'll pick it up before the vacation or in a few weeks. Either way I plan on taking lots of pictures of course cause I love photo opportunities! I can't wait to leave and see all the beauty of the water! Talk to everyone soon!
Thursday, September 10, 2009
Our Nordstrom Family
Some of you may know that growing up my Mom worked at the DC(Distribution Center) for Nordstrom down in Tukwila. So, what a blessing it was for my mom, being a single lady with a growing child to work there. I got the best dresses, the best everything with that availability of a nice store. I do not, by any means claim to be a fashionable person by any means, but I do enjoy nice clothes and shoes. What girl doesn't. So, when I knew I was having children I said to my self, they'll learn to love Nordstrom just like I had too! We've shoped there many times for both Nathan and Nichelle and I am glad to say I still love the store. Tonight Grandma came over a little later than usually(she's here around 5:30 every week day)and she came bearing gifts. I knew it had to be something for the kids, she is a Grandma of course. She pulled out this darling suit jacket with these really nice dark slacks for Nathan. I couldn't believe it. She bought a great white shirt and a wonderful tie. I can't wait to have him wear it. I've included a shirtless version of the outfit. Please enjoy.
Sunday, September 6, 2009
Happy BirthdayNate the Great
Today is Nathan's birthday and I am in shock about his turing 2. I won't bore you with a slide show of all the best pictures...but there is one that we have come to love in this house. I love my buddy, the mini me I never thought I'd have. Baby April as my cousins call him. He's funny, totally affectionate and a big help around the house. I'm hoping he'll be a chef, or a wedding planner, maybe a lion tamer in a circus. Or he could walk dogs that might be fun. Whatever he decides to be tomorrow I will still love him and I'm so excited that he's my friend. Happy Birthday Nathan! 


Saturday, September 5, 2009
I almost forgot to post these
Thursday, September 3, 2009
Fun trip to Port Orchard
Jordan has a lead foot. And because of that we got to take a quick day trip with him to Port Orchard so he could take care of the ticket he received. We started out during nap time which was perfect cause we were able to have a nice quiet ride up there. We got there an hour before his court appearance so I drove the kids around for a little bit. And I umm, wound up from where it was close to the court house. Recently Jordan got me a cell phone. Thank goodness for GPS. Although I'm sure I would have gotten back to Port Orchard it was still fun to have someone help me.
We got back to downtown Port Orchard/Port of Bremerton and it was cloudy and gray and not warm at all. Good thing I'm from Seattle and knew that we need coats. We just walked around and enjoyed all the sites. I even got offered to buy some weed from some kid who couldn't have been more than 17. Which was not smart since he was right in front of City Hall. We met a gorgeous black dog named Fredia and found a great park that Nathan enjoyed the various toys there. Sadly cause of the gloomy weather alot of things were wet so I had to be a bad mom and encourage him to start talking a walk with me. Nichelle really enjoyed the break from the stroller but we did get back in the stroller. Jordan was in court, maybe 10 minutes, so he met us on the boardwalk.
To get the chance to be with Jordan during the day is pretty rare so I said we had to do something else. Jordan came up with the idea of taking the ferry to Vashon and then driving across the island and take the ferry to the Point Defiance and drive on home. I thought it was a great idea. There was no warning horn so the ferry was awesome! Nathan enjoyed his echo and it was cool that there were hardly anyone on the boat. Nathan greeted everyone as he always does and Nichelle chased Nathan down the aisle. The kids had a great day and we saw some pretty awesome places and different neighborhoods.




We got back to downtown Port Orchard/Port of Bremerton and it was cloudy and gray and not warm at all. Good thing I'm from Seattle and knew that we need coats. We just walked around and enjoyed all the sites. I even got offered to buy some weed from some kid who couldn't have been more than 17. Which was not smart since he was right in front of City Hall. We met a gorgeous black dog named Fredia and found a great park that Nathan enjoyed the various toys there. Sadly cause of the gloomy weather alot of things were wet so I had to be a bad mom and encourage him to start talking a walk with me. Nichelle really enjoyed the break from the stroller but we did get back in the stroller. Jordan was in court, maybe 10 minutes, so he met us on the boardwalk.
To get the chance to be with Jordan during the day is pretty rare so I said we had to do something else. Jordan came up with the idea of taking the ferry to Vashon and then driving across the island and take the ferry to the Point Defiance and drive on home. I thought it was a great idea. There was no warning horn so the ferry was awesome! Nathan enjoyed his echo and it was cool that there were hardly anyone on the boat. Nathan greeted everyone as he always does and Nichelle chased Nathan down the aisle. The kids had a great day and we saw some pretty awesome places and different neighborhoods.
Tuesday, August 25, 2009
Happy Birthday Princess!
I am so blessed to have Nichelle in my life. She wasn't planned on my watch but Heavenly Father is in control if you do let Him. A year ago today I was at Tacoma General at 6am...waiting for my planned C-Section to begin. And at 8:40am Nichelle Rose entered the world. And then the rest of the world was a blur. All I know is that, I had great food and was able to eat real food by 6 that same evening. Which is awesome if you've ever had surgery. I am thankful for both of my babies of course! Happy Birthday Nichelle, we love you!
Saturday, August 15, 2009
Am I the only one who gives my kids....
Bad things???? I hope not. Just thought I'd share this picture. Jordan's birthday was on the 11th as I have shared. He brought home his favorite Root Beer. Nichelle wanted a drink and now she and Nathan have done nothing but play with these bottles all week!She actually liked the Root Beer, which is a surprise. Nathan isn't a big fan of the Root Beer anymore, but that's okay. As usual there are 20 million toys on the ground since we don't clean up until 2 seconds before going to bed.
Friday, August 14, 2009
Nate's walk in the rain
Tonight for some of us Northwestern'ers we got some serious rainfall. I wasn't expecting the clouds to open like they did, but it was pretty serious at our house. Nichelle was taking her afternoon/early evening nap so it was Nathan, Grandma and I. I was very impressed Nathan wasn't afraid with all the natural activity going on. After getting Nichelle up, Nathan put on his Doggie(It has a dog attached to a leash, let's him feel a little more independent) and was parading around the house. Next thing you know, he's pointing to the door say "Go!" For 10 minutes Mom and I tried to distract him with other ideas, but it was time to go outside. I fancied a walk and it was only sprinkling, so I thought it would be a pleasant break for him. Let's join Nathan as he takes us for a nature walk around Lincoln Park.
A house we found along Thompson. Your guess is a good as mine!
Can we go home yet? I'm just too cute for Nature!
Tuesday, August 11, 2009
Happy Birthday dear Jordan
Monday, August 10, 2009
Thursday, August 6, 2009
"Spiritual Commitment" vs Marriage

A little disclaimer before I start. Anyone who is in a committed relationship and it works for you, rock on! I'm just reacting to a few reports I've heard is all........ :)
All my life I have wanted to be married. When I was 14 I met a guy who became my dream. He could sing, had blue eyes and was brunette and he had the most beautiful smile blah blah. From then on I knew I wanted to be a wife. And one day I became a princess and the rest is history as they say. I've also learned marriage is hard but rewarding work. Those ideals being said....why does everyone not want to be married? I'm not one who focuses on celebrities and their lives, but channel surfing the other day I heard some commentator giving his view on why so many in the Hollywood world doesn't want to get married. I had to agree. I've heard a lot of A-Lister's say in the last few months..."Having a Spiritual Connection and Commitments is all we need. No need to get a piece of paper to say we're married when we know were each other heart lies..." I thought to my self, are you kidding? If your living together, sharing and income and working towards the goal of having a great wonderful family life with dependants(children, dogs, other family members) why not get married? You're playing house anyway, might as well get some matching jewelery out of the deal.
I think taking the plunge and getting married is a great example to the children that have come from that commitment and I'm not sure why so many people, women in particular want to make sure a strong stance about not being married! Halle Berry; never again she says. Jenny McCarthy and Jim Carey; our relationship is great and wonderful without a piece of paper(both of them are divorcees). I love and applaud any couple that is willing to acknowledge Heavenly Father in their relationship, but I think it would make Him even more happy if they would get married. Marriage is hard, but why not go through the struggles and rewards of life with someone you know is going to be there. Or, if they get married, don't say you're married just say your domestic partnership now has a tax deduction. Something clever. Our wise older generation seems so disappointed in the direction of the world and is just hoping that some of us "youngsters" will do a few things that they did. Either way I wish that Hollywood would sometimes give a little more credit to marriages that work and work hard on keeping great relationships going after children!
Thursday, July 30, 2009
C I Shenanigans

Our waitress was named Michelle. Now that I have a daughter named Nichelle I tend to pay attention to Michelle more. Maybe it's cause I can use a small crystal ball to see most people calling her Michelle(little cute kids are excused while learning her name!) In fact the other day I saw in my minds eye her trying to introduce her self to a boyfriend and the whole family saying her name as "Michelle". Ohh well, we try. Back to our was a great night before the heat wave. It was great being next to the water.

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