Monday, November 30, 2009

Countdown to Christmas

I am so excited for Christmas. But I need a great idea for our Christmas tree. I've got a few bouncing around in my head so I will keep everyone posted on what we will finally present in our little home. Since this is my weekly update what else can I say. Ohh, please keep my dear husband in mind. He was in a minor car accident yesterday, which really sent my blood pressure all over the place. I was so worried but thank goodness he's fine. Sore stiff neck, back a little sore too, the normal which is good. And he's still clean shaven at the moment which is terribly handsome in my book. For a while he had a goatee, which looked really nice and I kept it up for him about 6 weeks. Then when I was about to shave him, he trimmed everything down....the goatee was gone! I enjoy giving my husband a shave. He doesn't really enjoy shaving, and I like making him feel good so shaving is a nice bonding moment for us. He's so blonde it takes a while for a mustache to show up, but once it does it's nice untill hairs start to hurt my face. Like you watned to know that. I guess I'm just more mindful of my hubby today cause of what happened last night. I will keep everyone posted about our little Christmas tree.

1 comment:

Andrea M said...

I am glad to hear that all is well. Poor Jordan. How is your car? What happened? We will be putting our tree up next weekend. I will post a picture on my blog when it goes up. Love ya tons.....Andrea