Thursday, June 10, 2010

June already! That means it's almost birthday time....

Yes I am way behind updating our blog, but things have changed so quickly for us. Where do I begin?

I really am at a loss as to where to start. We've been in our apartment almost 4 months now. Time has really flown. I still don't know everyone in our new ward, but people are starting to recognize us, which is always nice. It's a very nice ward and there are a lot, I mean a LOT of babies, toddlers, and children. Always like new playmates, so that's nice.This summer should be fun trying to figure out where to have a party, and who to invite. Can you believe it's almost birthday time for my whole, WHOLE household again? Wow.

Second, my husband graciously volunteered to start traveling for the boss man. What your thinking? I was a little taking back my self. He works for a hot tub can this be? The Economy(I will not get on a soap box) has presented an great opportunity for our family.  Although that means my husband will be gone from time to time, he will be able to fix hot tubs in different states where the other company stores have closed. Our first experience with this was past weekend. A quick trip, and maybe a great term for it was dress rehearsal for when he is gone, we missed each other and the kids thought it was a blast having Grandma stay over so much. I am very grateful that my husband is willing to work so much and that I have a chance to stay home and be able to see my children grow so much! I will keep you posted on all the fun, and thank goodness for Skype!

I can't remember how long ago I reported that the man of the house was potty training. I thought to myself I'm going to loose my mind, but through prayer(yes I did pray about it) and finally finding a method that seems to be working. It's not perfect yet, of course that's why it's called training. But he does really well when we are out and about. Mom always reminds me that's when you want your kids to behave the most! I first started when we moved in since he seemed to figure out how to take off his diapers. I started with a simple method, then found an eBook that claimed to potty train your child in 3 days. I wasn't looking for a quick fix, just a start point. The first day was good but it was put on hold when the princess had to be taken to the ER. The eBook said don't leave the house during the 3 days of training, but I had to go. Needless to say Nathan got frustrated and even scared of the potty so we took a break for a while.

I am happy to report he really enjoys the schedule of going potty with a timer. It's not perfect yet like I said, but he usually has to go potty when the timer goes off. And since he's usually running around the house or playing it reminds him to check and see if he has to go potty at that time. He does EXTREMELY well on our outings and always tells me, Daddy or Grandma when he has to go potty so I am very proud. Especially since we haven't been doing this for very long. Little sister of course wants in on the action, and so I've been letting her wear big girl underwear today. I'm sure I'll be dealing with lots of accidents so they're both training now. But since I started with a boy, I've got lots of practice under my belt about cleaning accidents with two toddlers. I'm in awe of the growth of both my babies and can NOT believe it's almost birthday time again.

Last but not least, it's wedding time in the world again and I'm so excited for all my friends making that special sacred commitment. I am not go to all the receptions due to family obligations but I do know that I can send my love to them. I am so happy that there are still those who believe in the wonderful tradition of marriage and raising children with that foundation. Families are very different today then they were....10 years ago let alone when my mother was growing up. But as long as there is a Dad and a Mom who love you then you have a fighting chance in this world!  We love everyone and thanks for thinking of us! I will post another entry earlier than a month from now, I promise! :)

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