Wednesday, April 8, 2009

What is going on?

I am not one to brag or boast about my musical abilities I was blessed with from Heavenly Father, but I find it pretty wonderful I can play music by ear and taught my self piano and organ. I have wanted for a long time to take piano and organ lessons so I can teach once we get our grand house(okay just a house period!) Hence my children are still rather small so I will wait till I can get my master degree in everything music. What a nice dream. On to the real reason I'm writing....musically I'm not a happy camper with the sessions of conference we were just blessed with. I'm sitting there, watching soaking in the greatness of everything and I look at the tv like 20 times, not just twice. I swear they took their arrangment cues from me! In fact on the last session, my mom was over. Poor thing was trying not to cry at the cute little man conducting MoTab(please everyone start calling them that...Mormon Tabernacle is just too long sometimes) Ed Thompson as he winked at the choir. I was just in shock, when I play, I arrange music like that on organ. Ohh it makes me miss playing so much. But we can barely make it through sacrament meeting let alone me playing in primary right now. Ahh one day I'll play beautiful praise worthy music on organ again.

1 comment:

Mom (Sheryl) said...

That little man was so cute as he winked at the choir. I am sure that it's nerve-wracking being up there in the first place, but he was so warm and human that you're right, I was trying hard to hold back the tears. Love ya!