Sunday, April 19, 2009

Sunday night...almost Monday

I'm really laughing at my self. I remember, growing up, if I wanted to watch tv...I had to watch what my mom was watching. Which means I got a great heaping helping of musicals. And that young tender age I was like gross out to the max. Well, my poor children now have to suffer through me quoting along with these movies while we watch them. I mean seriously, on my man crush list is a guy who was in Oklahoma and Carousel...from like 1950 something. I didn't want to reveal that I know that actual dates of when the movies were released. :) The musicals are fun, the plots are way predictable but that way I know what's going to happen. Nathan loves to dance to the music and I have dancer on the list of 20 million other things I would love for Nathan to do.

Teething update. No top teeth yet for Miss Nichelle but she has begun to not enjoy anyone but Mama. I have to say that can be pretty intersting when it's time for Nathan's bath, time for me to play piano, time to make myself something to eat if I know she's taking a nap. And suddenly decides to wake up. We're having company tomorrow night(Monday early evening). This has been a source of stress between my husband and I. To the point I'm almost not excited to meet these people. Example....Last Monday I asked my husband to give Nichelle a blessing. I'm so grateful for the priesthood in my home. It helped Nichelle out but she was still really fussy. The next time I hear from my husband he asks if he can bring the Nickels in to say hi(the company we're having over tomorrow). I'm like no, Nichelle isn't feelng well..maybe some other time. The next two times I hear from him is how I need to met Megan and how she needs to come in. No, I need to take care of my children, and since you're not home I'm the one having to entertain, feed, and bathe them. I'm a little busy at the moment. After that, for the next two days all I hear about is how I was brushing these people off, and that they'll understand a fussy baby. I don't want company if my daughter is sad, teething and upset. Long story short...I just wanted a little more compassion. That's all. Let's cross our fingers I can put on a brave face, and let's hope Nichelle is okay with new people around!

Ahh it's 11:52 and I'm needing to write a letter to my grandparents in Utah. I hope everyone had a great week. Let the sun shine in! Update soon! Oh Nathan is doing fantastic!

1 comment:

Mom (Sheryl) said...

I'm sure that Nichelle was long as mommy was near her! Nathan is the sociable little man, just exactly as his mother was a social butterfly. How did that happen? Life is a little tough right now with Nichelle wanting to be a mommy appendage, but she'll grow out of it one of these days. You'll look back and laugh, just like with the musicals and being able to quote them! :-) Love ya!