Friday, April 24, 2009

It's quiet in my house

The past few days Nathan hasn't been feeling to hot, so I haven't done much cleaning, much of anything but make sure that SpongeBob Square pants or Little Bill is on tv. Or some nice Smooth Jazz, he likes that. So, he's in bed, sleeping and hopefully breaking that fever he had yesterday. SpongeBob isn't too bad, I have two mobile children so I really don't get to watch much tv. I just hear things....maybe.

For the past month or so I've really had this feeling like I've needed to start doing my genealogy. I don't have the blessing of having generation after generation be members of the church. My mom has done wonderful work being a member for a few years now(I won't say the number ;) but my dad's side of the family is a question. I have not seen my father since I was 6. I used to be really hurt by that decision. But now being a wife and parent I understand the pressures and blessings of that sacred calling. I know I wouldn't leave my children but we all learn different ways. So, I've been really throwing around the idea of looking for my family, my lost link. About a month ago I found an address for my father. I found and phone number and address for who was listed as his brother. Last Saturday Mom had the goal of calling and talking to him(my "uncle"), but I thought what a weird phone call that would be, I know I would be like who is calling me. So, tonight I will be writing the letter to my "uncle" and then hoping he can connect me to my dad. Fingers crossed.


Mom (Sheryl) said...

I know that you will connect with your family somehow, because you are the assigned genealogist! I would not have minded calling your uncle; I'd make it work somehow, but you must do things the way they work best for you, with my full support. Heavenly Father will guide you to your family, whether it be in this life or the next. I'm glad the little ones are feeling better. Love ya!

Dan and Janice Hegerhorst said...

Hi , glad you found our blog. Your kids are adorable! Janice and Dan