Tuesday, March 24, 2009

The Kids

I'm sure everyone could and would write about their children all day long. I know I could. We picked up Mom today(her car...my beloved Mustang gave up the ghost Sunday...more about that later on)and did a few things with her. Went to the store, Nathan said hi to everyone. When we got home to put everything away, I walked back into the living room to find Nathan here. In Nichelle's car seat of all places. I was like, quick where is the camera. I couldn't believe it. He's been picking that seat up for the last couple of weeks when we're ready to go out. Nathan is funny. If Mama or Nene(Grandma) can do it, he can too! He's not really copying Jordan cause he knows that's where the trouble comes from. Take that Jordan!

Nichelle's top teeth are going to come soon. :( Her top gums having been giving her some trouble for the past couple of days and I'm not a fan of it at all! I would like both of my children to be out of pain. Nathan has so many teeth in his mouth and it looks like Nichelle is following suit by teething more at the same time. But thank goodness for the power of touch, the power of nursing and the power of Tylenol. She does rather well with oral- jel(yes I've had to use it a couple of times already this week) Fingers crossed things go way better with things....

Took this picture after Nathan decided to climb on the couch. I was a little worried cause he just ran up there, but he was actually very gentle around Nichelle. Whew! They are really a great pair. I know they plot against me all day but at least they enjoy laughing and eat and talking with me too!

1 comment:

Pure Mommy Extract said...

Don't you just love the way the little siblings look at the big ones? So cute!