Saturday, March 7, 2009

I have a man crush

For those of you wondering what a "man-crush" is, let me explain. It's the same thing as a "crush" only difference is you can clearly tell that the person you have this slight or serious(depending on the person) affection for. I have decided to come clean about a few men. You might even know some of them. But here is my top ten list. My person disclaimer....I'm not adding my husband cause A) I'm married to him; and B) It's not a crush cause I actually love him and he loves me there's not wishing for the return of my affections. :) On to the no real order.

President Dieter F. Uchtdorf. Man of God, ever so handsome. Funny, loves his wife and has dedicated his life to serving Heavenly Father. Is there anything else you need in a man? Not to mention he has green eyes and is a retired pilot. I have a feeling he'd be able to land a plane in water and have living survivors. *sigh* So handsome.

President Barack Obama. I don't think I need to explain.

Anderson Cooper. Night time reporter, silver fox. Intelligent, witty and just a tad bit of a sex symbol. He'll just never admit to that.
And a he's a fan of Elmo. There you go Miss Curly(Alexis) auntie knows what's up!

Before I move on with the list, I would just like to say that the old standards of Will Smith, Denzel, Brad Pitt or others were already mention at previous times so I don't have to add them to the list.

This is Gordon MacRae. Curly from
Oklahoma! If haven't seen the movie, have to watch it again. I watched it last night as I was knitting. He's so handsome. And that voice. Please. Ahh.

(I'll only torture with the top 5 I guess) Michael Buble. Oh my. My mom bought his cd as a gift for me, and I haven't...still haven't had it. It's been like 4 years. But I knew about this young man before anyone else did. In fact my little plan was to get married to him. But we wouldn't have my babies, and Nichelle wouldn't have blue eyes. I like the plan that happened. Although I do love you Michael.

1 comment:

Krysten said...

See I knew we were friends for a reason. I love all of those except for the guy from Oklahoma. Only because I have never seen it. I love love love President Uchtdorf. Could listen to him for hours!