Wednesday, July 15, 2009


I just haven't written to all of you in a few days. We're just done with breakfast which means crazy play time for Nathan. He bounces off the walls until lunch. My son NEVER sits down, unless SpongeBob is on and even then it isn't for long. Nichelle is definatly the tackler of the house, it's her way of making everyone on her level. She'll pull on your leg untill you're right there with her. She's quite strong for being so petite. Every where we go, and if she starts walking, people always comment on how petite she is. I can't stop her from walking, it's what she likes to do! The sun is out, summer is a great time of year and I am glad I have to healthy active wonderful kiddies! Talk to everyone soon!

1 comment:

Rachel said...

I'm glad that I have active kiddies, too. But I am certainly grateful for naptime as well!!!