Monday, July 20, 2009

3 years

I can't believe that on Wednesday I will offically be Mrs. Hunter for 3 years. It was a great day. HOT! But a beautiful day. When we got to the temple it was 96 outside, so by the time we walked outside to take pictures it was 98. Whew, thinking about it now, I have no idea why I decided on long sleeves, but I'm not that big of a fan of my arms, so that's why I had long sleeves. My Grandpa was such a nice man that day and officated in the sacred ceremony. It was great having everyone there to support us. Jordan doesn't cry very often and he won't admit but he was emotional. Which is great to see. Who knew how much my life would change? But I'm glad I'm a wife(and a good one at that, I gave Jordan a shave last night) and that I get to have great fun being a mom!


Summer said...

It's been 3 years already?!!! Love the bouquet! Who ever did your flowers? :) I hope you guys have a good anniversary and get a babysitter!!!!!!

Rachel said...

Oh, 3 years! That is a milestone. Be grateful for this time. We're celebrating 7 years this week, and I just don't know where the time went!