Thursday, January 21, 2010

Family Update

*This is as of Tuesday, January 19, 2010*

Hello everyone, what a year it has been already in my household. Back this summer our little family started apartment hunting. I was sad cause I love my family ward, I really can't stand moving and at that time Dad was working a million hours at work during the summer. I know there are a million single mom's who move their who households and I truly applaud them...but I didn't have a car during the summer since he using that for work. Things are still a little cloudy since the car is still in the shop. When we had the cold snap for a while I guess the auto body shop decided it was to cold to work on any car(I don't blame them it was freezing!) So I'm hoping that everything works out for the best with the car so we can have that as we're making the big move.

The next place for our residence is.......Kent. I've never lived there before, so this will be exciting and scary for me. The Diva is almost nursery age(18months) but with this move, I'm not sure how easy that transition will be. The Prince of course loves nursery, a great chance to get some energy out, have a snack and play with the friends we've made at church. Who knows if he's listening to the lesson that is taught but I know he enjoys his little time with his friends. I will make sure to take pictures when we get settled in and I know that everyone thinks about us and will be sending us prayers. I'm doing alot of downsizing these next few weeks. As sad as the earthquake in Haiti was and is, this is a great oppourtunity for me to give some clothes and bed supplies(blankets, sheets etc) to some great organizations. I'm just suprirsed at Heavenly Father's timing sometimes.

I know there are many of you who read my blog that we visit with on from time to time and we will make sure to continue that tradition. My kids love new places to run around. I will post a new update in a few weeks. Thanks for the good luck and prayers everyone!


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