Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Nathan update 01-20-09

It's 5:53 am and I'm watching live coverage of all the exciting things the Obamas are going to do today. Ha, I just wrote Obamas and the little dictionary put red line underneath. Ha ha!

I have had little to no sleep in the last...oh four days. Friday night, Nathan started coughing, like I have a cold coughing and I wasn't really sure if he was getting a cold or if he had something in his throat. So I just you know comforted him in bed we read our bedtime story and I was off making Mom's cake and cupcakes for her party. I was watching a Robert Redford(Man crush #15 on my list) movie called Last Castle. I didn't get much sleep worrying about Nathan..so Jordan let me sleep in. I slept in for...I don't know 3 hours straight. Not much to some people but nice for me when I usually get up and take care of Nathan and Nichelle during the night.

Fast Forward to Sunday morning. It's like 5:30 and I hear Nathan. So I get up to check his diaper...normal routine and he's burning up. During Mom's birthday fun, he was happy but fussy at the same time. Well, he was hot, I mean burning, so I gave him some medicine and we went downstairs to watch SpongeBob. He played for a while and then finally went to sleep. He slept pretty well for about a 40 minutes and then suddenly he woke up crying. I couldn't calm him down and Jordan finally twisted my arm about going to the doctor.

Nathan was a riot at the waiting room. Everyone, I mean all 10 people there thought he was a hoot. Which he is. He's been starting to add more vocab to his stand up routine. He was walking around saying hi to everyone and trying to read a magazine with this really nice young man. Finally at like 10:30 the nurse came and got us and drum roll please.....Nathan has an ear infection, and we're still trying to get passed him teething all these molars. The count it up to 4 now. Jeeze. Oh well, I've been at home trying to be a good nurse. I haven't really slept as I said but today is way too historic for me to be sleeping. Nichelle is teething as well and her gums have really been bothering her the past two days. I guess she decided Nathan can't have ALL the attention. Mom spent the night Sunday night since she didn't have to work Monday due to the holiday.

I'm gonna write about Mom's party in another post, but that's the Nathan update!

1 comment:

Pure Mommy Extract said...

I am sorry to hear that your kids have been sick too. Ear infections are terrible things to deal with. I hope he gets better soon.