Monday, March 28, 2011

We are not dead!

I have been starting and stopping this post off and on for about two weeks. Every time I get a chance to sit down and type something, I am needed somewhere else. So I am sorry to those of you who are actually curious about my little family. Today is the 28th, which means I have two days till my birthday. This year seems really curious to me. I am willing and excited to make my own  birthday cake(not because someone wont show their love through baking....I just like to bake so I want to!) the only real present is my husband home and he able to recharge and sleep before he has to go to work again. That's it. Not a huge present, or a long day of celebration just having my hubby home so he can sleep.

I will be honest. My birthday is hard. I was a week early, my parents couldn't agree on a name...and almost 30 years ago sonograms were very different. Up until the hospital I was determined to be  a boy, so they had a great name chosen. Douglas Lee. I think that's cute and it had great meaning for both of my parents. So I was a surprise and reason for a little row before being a week old. I still cause that reaction for some reason.(??????) So, growing up.....I found people just could NOT remember my birthday. I've gotten calls, gifts and apologies for many many years....up until May 1st. Some people think the birthday is April 30th...or the 16th. Or April 8th....or any DAY in April. That would be correct logic if I had been born during the actual month of April...but it didn't happen that way. I haven't decided if Heavenly Father was THAT tired of me....or if I was just meant for that day but it is my birthday. I love that day since it's right after Spring officially starts, is always close the General Conference and sometimes my birthday falls on Easter. When I was younger, and friends were a good marker for how I valued myself(we all go through that phase) I was be soooooooooooo hurt if someone forgot my birthday. For at least 2 weeks prior I can remember gently reminding people, charming them into a gift, or just flat out should buy me something. I still love and cherish people, but I'm just too old now to be selfish(plus I don't want to give my kids a reason to be silly like Mama)

Back to my hubby, things have been so crazy for him lately. I wish I knew where to begin about an update but I never know where to begin really. I will say that he is now driving taxi cab that was a hard adjustment for me but he enjoys it, so that makes me happy. He works the night shift so he sleeps during that day, which I don't know how with the little adults in the house. I am proud he does so well and is so willing to provide for us, which makes me swell with pride. Taking the kiddos for a walk, so my update will have to be again....................SOON. Talk to everyone soon.

1 comment:

GuateGirl said...

Oh My Goodness... I did not realize how alike we are! I like you was also a "boy" based on the sonograms... but when I was born a girl they had to figure out a name - fast hence the name I have a combination of Gabriel and Abraham two names they were considering for a boy!!! We are twinners not just in name. Loves to you!