Friday, April 2, 2010

This is why I call my kids Donnie and Marie

Just a side note, I love the Osmonds and love that they have lead so many to the LDS church(my mother included) so in my head I am part of their family. I am glad they have each other through this hard time and glad they can be an example to so many! :)

When I found out I was having babies back to back I was a)amazed and b) a little unsure of how I would so since I was raised an only child. I was scared actually. I still have on the job training everyday since both my children are still learning their personalities. But every now and then I get to have a show produce by my own Donny and Marie. When the princess was just born I said that to someone and they looked at me like I had committed the worst sin ever by comparing my situtation to the Osmonds, so I tend to keep their "show" nicknames to my self. Just to avoid stepping on any toes.

I am so glad my children are such good friends and I pray that they will have a wonderful friendship as they grow together.Last night I was able to spend some time with my Mom helping her work on Good Friday Easter Cookies. I came home and had a show with Donny and Marie as they were thanking me for their cookies from Grandma. Please enjoy!  

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