Saturday, November 13, 2010

What a week!!!

I've been really thinking if I would include a horrible experience I had last Saturday. I still really haven't made a decision if I will include what started my brainstorming.

Wednesday, my visiting teachers came and shared an important message given to the whole of the LDS church by President Uchtdorf. "Of Things That Matter Most."Who knew while trying to have my two active toddlers sit down and try to introduce Modern Day Prophets to them, I would be following his counsel about spending quality time with our family. He touched about some great relationships that are amazing to a well balanced gospel person. While listening to my visiting teacher they mentioned the relationship with our "Fellow Man". This past week has been so trying in that department and I am very willing to admit my weakness in this.

Last Saturday, I invited a high school acquaintance over, because she wanted to show me a sale presentation for a company she just started with. I was still sick(day #4 with a season cold) and didn't really want to be bothered with company. But after a week of being bombarded with text messages from this person, I thought Saturday would be great and this would be off of my shoulders. I welcomed her, and her "trainer" into my home. I expected to hear her voice explain the company and so forth. With my all too trusting heart, I got told how my family is poor and will expect to be poor because I've made the decision to be a stay at home mother. I was also told in short that I am a 'home body' who rarely goes out and needs to find friends who are "willing" to make money. I was very upset. Why would I want to share the information I just heard with my family and friends by sending these rude people to them. Since this young lady hasn't almost seen me in 10 years, she also doesn't know that I was ready to go back to work after having my son but was fired from that job due to what they called a "conflict of interest."

But to put negative vibes behind all of us, I in short told them my decision to help my children by staying home is a richly blessing decision. If I did have a job, we could have more money, or we could would depend on the job I had. It would always mean I would miss out on milestones and quality time being my children's first teacher, maid, doctor, referee, chauffeur, chef, and so on. I don't take motherhood lightly and women who take care of more than 2 children I kiss the ground they walk on. Hearing President Uchtdorf remind us of how important our family is, made me feel a little taller for stay home. I may not have a fancy car, fancy clothes or eat out every Friday night with friends but every time I go to pick up my son from Pre School he comes running to see me and I would give me life over and over again just to have that happen. To Single Mothers every where who work hard to come home and have to be mother and father I salute you. To working husbands who work long hours just to have your children "dog pile" on you once you set foot in the door, I love you.

My wish this holiday season is that we are nicer to one another. I may not work outside of the home for a business but I am in the business of building my family. It may not be perfect but I am lucky to have a perfect family plan to follow. I am glad I don't have to search for it and that I have wonderful examples and help along the way. Thank you to family and thanks be to our God!


1 comment:

Brenda Dickerson Lassabe said...

You go girl!!! You are so lucky and blessed to be a stay at home mom!! Being a mom is the most difficult job you will ever have at timesyet the most rewarding!