Thursday, March 18, 2010

Almost my birthday!

Hi everyone it's almost my birthday and I haven't posted an update is soooooooooooooooo long. I just can't believe that we've been in our new place a month. Things have so flown by. I've been wrapped up trying to get the big man to sit long enough to go potty on the potty chair. Last week we started a "3 day program" on Wednesday. I found it online(it was a e-book)so I was pretty happy with the ideas in the program. Mr. Nate did wonderful the first day. He sat on the potty and went 4 times. That night the princess got sick(I'll get into later on) and so things quickly changed. The next two days was pretty much a loss so he got tired and pretty much fed up trying to go potty. So we're taking a break from that program and just pretty much trying to go potty on a schedule for now. I'll keep you posted. He's pretty much his own man and enjoys sitting on the potty...but as for going potty we'll that's another story. We're only a week into everything so I'm not rushing anything. As long as he get the idea that's all I'm cheering for.

As I said last Wednesday(the 10th) the princess was way sick. I wasn't sure what was going on since I was just starting to potty train big bro. She was fine during the morning but as the day went on all she wanted to do was sleep. I was okay with that since she's getting in molars and all sorts of teeth at the same time. She's almost got her full set now with all the teething she's been doing lately. I noticed she had a fever around 6 that evening. And after having their afternoon snack I felt okay giving her something. She quickly fell asleep on our little chair and slept there till it was time for big bro to go to bed. WE did our bedtime routine and got the house calmed down blah blah. My husband felt something wasn't right and around 2 went to Walgreens to get some Motrin and ask some medical advice. The nurse said we need to take her into the er. Thank goodness we moved and we have two options for er's. Valley Medical and Auburn General. I choose Valley Medical and was able to get there no time flat.

After who long at this big ol' place and Jelly Bean having a temp of 102.4 we found out she just had a virus and would be fine. We spent maybe 3 hours just sitting to see the dr. and then probably 2 1/2 waiting to leave after the test. The took a blood sample and a urine sample from the princess which was probably harder on me since I had to hold her down the whole time. All the nurses were so surprise at how strong she is. I kept trying to explain how active big bro is at home and they seemed to understand. So this last week has been trying to get everyone better and healthy again. I'm glad that we were able to find out what was wrong. Grandma came over later that day, and even though I had hardly no sleep I still wanted to stay up and take care of the kids of course. So, that's been my only "excitement" so to speak. It's almost Easter and everyone has their outfits so I will post pictures of that in a few days! Happy almost birthday to me!

1 comment:

Pure Mommy Extract said...

So glad she is feeling better! And I can't wait to see them in their Easter outfits.

As for potty is what it is. Sometimes things get in the way. Sometimes they are ready, sometimes they are not. I had to try three different times with Alexis before we got it down. My advice =) (since you asked for it- lol) is not to stress about making it happen because it will just make you both upset. It worked best for us to just make it an option to use the potty whenever she wanted to choose the option.

...we may start trying with Ana (maybe Ben) this summer...we will see =). Bailey might make it a bit hard!